BEST BH5 TROPHY [defense] Base 2023 Builder Hall 5 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC

If you’re looking for BEST BH5 TROPHY [defense] Base 2023 Builder Hall 5 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC then you have come to the right place. This base is one of the best and most popular bases for coc Builder Hall 5 available on YouTube. This Builder Hall 5 coc base layout can be used for Trophy pushing. To know more about this BH5 best coc base, continue reading this post.

Hey everyone, it’s Dark barbarian. Today, I’ve got an excellent Builder Hall 5 base to share with you, I’m confident that when combined with strong attacking skills, this base will perform exceptionally well, I’ll provide a detailed analysis of this base later in the post, helping you understand its intricacies and addressing any questions you may have.
Let’s do the Base Analysis!

the first thing, that’ll notice is that the builder hall is kept in the center surrounded by all our defenses, it is placed that way to prevent opponents from getting 2 stars on our base.

We’ve strategically positioned our most crucial defenses, such as the crushers, multi mortars, and air bombs, at the center of the base near the builder hall. These defenses are coordinated to work together based on the type of attack they’re up against.
For example, when we combine the multi mortar and air bomb, we create a significant threat to opposing night witches, The multi mortar is a substantial danger to night witches, while the air bomb targets the bats she summons, This is why we’ve placed these two defenses together, so they can compensate for each other’s weaknesses and leverage their unique strengths to protect one another, providing a well-rounded defense for the base.

I also noticed that people using ground attack strategies often aim to eliminate the multi mortar and crusher early because they pose the greatest threat to barbarians and giants, To counter this, instead of grouping them on the same side, I’ve separated them to ensure that if one is taken out, the other one remains intact.

cannons and double cannon is placed in a way that their range covers a huge portion of the base, so no side is left weaker to ground attacks.

archer towers are placed in well-protected spots from where their range covers the whole base, so no side is left weak to any kind of attacks, firecrackers combined with archer towers can stop almost all types of air attack.

When it comes to where I’ve positioned our traps, I’ve carefully observed how the opponent’s troops move through our base in various attacks, As a result, I’ve placed the traps in locations where the opponent’s troops are most likely to trigger them during an attack.

All the push traps are located in the corners of the base and are oriented to push troops away from the base, This setup prevents the opponent’s troops from swarming our defenders all at once and provides our defenses with more time to react.
To defend against ground attacks from either side, I’ve configured all the mines to target ground units, The mega mine is strategically placed where most attackers are expected to launch their assaults, and it deals significant damage to enemy forces.
The spring traps are also positioned in key locations where most attackers are likely to begin their assault, This helps eliminate certain troops like sneaky archers and raged barbarians during the battle.

coming to the outer buildings, they are smartly placed at a distance from one another to ruin opponents funnel, and you can see how we’ve placed high hitpoint buildings like laboratory, clocktower, and storages in front of main defense buildings, so the opponents will have to put extra effort to reach our defenses.
That’s it for the Base Analysis
- Centered and well-protected Builder hall
- Crusher, Multi mortar and Air Bombs placed centre of the base near Builder Hall
- Fire Crackers are well protected
- Perfect traps placement according to pathing of the troops.
- Defensive buildings are optimally placed
- Beast Against Ground & Air Attacks
- Archer towers and fire crackers covers the whole base against air attacks