THE ULTIMATE BH4 TROPHY[defense] Base 2023!! Builder Hall 4 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC

If you’re looking for THE ULTIMATE BH4 TROPHY[defense] Base 2023!! Builder Hall 4 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC then you have come to the right place. This base is one of the best and most popular bases for coc Builder Hall 4 available. This Builder Hall 4 coc base layout can be used for Trophy pushing. To know more about this BH4 best coc base, continue reading this post.

Hey everyone, it’s Dark here. Today, I have a great Builder Hall 4 base to share with you all. With solid attacking skills, this base is sure to work wonders. I’ll be diving into a detailed analysis of the base in the post, covering everything you need to know and addressing any concerns you might have.
Let’s do the Base Analysis!

the first thing, that you’ll notice is that the builder hall is kept in the center surrounded by all our defenses, it is placed that way to prevent opponents from getting 2 stars on our base.

The main feature of this base are these strategic openings that control the movement of opponent troops. For example, if the enemy drops giants in this area, they won’t head straight for the walls like they planned. Instead, they’ll follow a predetermined path we’ve set for them, triggering push traps along the way. This gives our cannons and archer towers enough time to pick off the giants one by one, preventing them from overwhelming our defenses all at once. We’ve also placed various traps on other openings, like these mines here. It’s been a game-changer in defending our base in many battles, taking out a large number of enemy troops, especially at lower Builder Hall levels.
now let’s talk about the defenses,

cannons and double cannon is placed in a way that their range covers a huge portion of the base and they help in making the base stronger against ground armies.

The archer towers are strategically positioned to provide coverage for the entire base. When paired with the firecracker and air bombs, which also covers a large area, this base becomes really effective against air attacks. I’ll include some replays of air attacks at the end to demonstrate just how effectively this base can fend them off.

both the firecracker and air bomb are kept at a distance from each other, because those who use baby dragons like to take out both of them together, by placing them at a distance, we’re making it harder for opponents to use baby dragons on our base, as even if one gets taken out the other one is still there to protect our base, and they are placed in such a way that the whole base gets covered in their range and no side is left weaker to air attacks.
crusher is also placed near the builder hall, so whenever opponents tries to reach our builder hall, they will first have to deal with that crusher which is a huge task in itself, so I watched so many people struggle because of that while attacking our base.

now coming to the trap’s placement, I’ve placed these traps after observing the opponent’s troops pathing on this base against multiple strategies, so the opponent’s troops are most likely to trigger them while attacking our base.
we have placed traps inside these openings, these push traps help in lowering the load on our defenses by throwing some of the troops out of the base, then comes the spring traps that further reduces the troop count coming at our defenses, so you can see 2-3 giants are already out of play, and all our remaining defenses are placed in close proximity so pretty much all of them will be targeting opponent’s troops, the reduced troop’s count of giants or any other troops won’t be enough to deal with all those defenses at once, so all of them will die before dealing any significant damage leading to a fail attack.
These mines are placed here for barbarians and archers, and they can instantly reduce the health of all enemy troops which are in their blast range.
This tesla placement right here is quite crucial as well, because this tesla caught opponents off guard so many times, because they forget that tesla exists on our base, so they plan their attack according to just these defenses, so they start deploying troops like minions to take out these outer buildings, then BAM!, tesla gets erected out of nowhere to annihilate enemy troops.

coming to the outer buildings, they are smartly placed at a distance from one another to ruin opponents funnel, and you can see how we’ve placed high hitpoint buildings like clocktower and star laboratory in front of these opening, so the opponents will have to put extra effort to reach our defenses.
That’s it for the Base Analysis
you can copy this base through the link unless you want to copy it manually, that’s pretty much it for this post.
If you want to copy this base just click on the Copy Base Button, it will redirect you, from where you can easily copy this base design.
- Centered and well-protected Builder hall.
- Openings are the main feature of this base.
- Ideal Traps placements
- Cannons keep the whole the base protected from ground attacks
- Air Bomb and fire cracker placed away from each other.
- Defensive buildings are evenly placed
- Archer Tower’s range cover the whole base.
- Crusher with Mega mine and mines makes a deadly combo.
If you want to copy this base just click on the Copy Base Button, it will redirect you, from where you can easily copy this base design.
Copy Base
This base is the best builder hall 4 base I have ever seen!!! None of my enemy got even one star on my base! All the battles in my defense log is PERFECT!!! And my defenses aren’t even maxed out!!! My score is around 1200 right now! It’s actually crazy!!!
I like that bro