New ULTIMATE TH6 HYBRID/TROPHY[defense] Base 2022!! Town Hall 6 Hybrid Base Design – Clash of Clans

if you’re looking for a New ULTIMATE TH6 HYBRID/TROPHY[defense] Base 2022!! Town Hall 6 Hybrid Base Design – Clash of Clans, then you have come to the right place. This base is one of the best and most popular bases for coc Town Hall 6. This Town Hall 6 coc base layout can be used for Farming loot/resources as well as for Trophy pushing. To know more about this TH6 best coc base, continue reading this post.
Hey guys I’m dark barbarian, welcome to another base building video, today are making a new Town hall 6 hybrid base, I’ve done one recently but I want you guys to have more options to choose from, so that you can easily switch to other if one doesn’t work for you, this base too is a hybrid base just like my other base layouts which means that you’ll be able to save your loot while maintaining trophies, to know more about how this base works, make sure you watch the base analysis part of the video where we do a complete breakdown of the base, so that instead of just copying blindly, you can understand how this base actually works. so I’ll see you guys after the base analysis.

Let’s do the Base Analysis!
First of all, let’s address the doubts you might have regarding this base. now some of you might have a problem with these cannons on why they’re placed outside, well, placing these cannons outside isn’t necessarily a bad thing, on the contrary, I’d say its a good feature of this base, as we move to higher town halls most people use this feature on their bases because it kinda ruins attackers plan,
for example, if an opponent wants to attack from this side, instead of going for this side, giant go for the cannon as this is closest defenses they can get to, while they’ll be going for that cannon, all the defenses on this side will be targeting them, after destroying the cannon giants will go anywhere they want, what this does is, bring uncertainty to the attack, as opponents’ troops aren’t going where they want them to go, this can potentially lead to panic by the attacker and eventually a fail attack.

and it’s not like we’re just giving away our cannon, we have applied some measures to at least provide it some sort of protection like we have placed three outer buildings next to the cannons, one is in front of the cannon and the other two slightly ahead of cannon by one tile, these outer buildings acts as a guard for our cannons by getting in way of troops before they can reach the cannon, this gives enough cannon enough time to deal good damage to enemy troops before they can reach the cannon. and there are two bombs next to those collectors to further protect our cannons.

our most important at town hall 6 are wizard towers, they help in tackling attack armies like balloons, giants, BARCH, and all other kinds of armies. so it is important to place them at the spots where they are well protected and their range covers most of the defenses, hence, placing them in the core would be the most appropriate choice, as you can see wizard towers’ range cover most of the defenses in their range which what we exactly wanted, so next time when are you making a base yourself or you get it from somewhere else, make sure to check how many defenses are wizards covering in their range, if its barely covering 2 or 3 defenses, then you may want to reconsider their placement. Placing wizards towers in the core, strengthen the core of the base, which ultimately leads to better defensive effectiveness.
its never a good to idea to place both your air defenses close to another unless they are placed in the core compartment of the base, if they are placed in some outer compartment and close to each other, that’s literally an invitation to the attacker to use giant healer or mass balloon strategy on your base, because they can take both the air defenses easily and the rest of the base stand no chance against those troops, so we’ve placed them away from each other so that if one gets taken out, the other one on the other side of the base can still defend, and placing them at a distance from each other also helps in increasing their coverage range, so we have placed them in such a way the whole base is covered to defend against air attacking armies.

Mortars are placed in different compartments away from one another and their range pretty much covers the whole base, placing them there also helps us in tackling Spam attacks like BARCH and Mass Goblins.
Archer towers are placed in three corners of the base so that they cover the whole base and no side is left weaker to air attacks.
Now, coming to the storages, they are placed in different compartments, unlike the bases you usually see where most of the storages are placed in a single compartment. each storage is placed in a different compartment that means the opponent has to take out the whole base to get all the loot.

never put the same type of storages on one side of the base, for example, if we put both the gold storages on this side of the base, the attacker can take almost all your gold just by taking out this portion of the base. so in order to avoid that. we place them alternatively, just like this base.
Now coming to the placement of the traps, after observation of so many attacks on this base, spring traps, and giant bombs are strategically placed in different compartments according to the pathing of defense attacking troops like giants, which helps in making this base stronger against ground attacks.

Now coming to the outer buildings you can customize where you want to put them according to your choice, if you are quite active and play regularly you can spread them out more to make the funnel trickier as you wouldn’t have to worry about people stealing your loot from outer collectors, as you’ll be collecting loot from them regularly, but if you are not that active you can do it the way I made it, as you won’t have to worry about stealing your loot as they’ll be in the range of defenses, it’s up to you, just make sure you don’t put the same type of collectors all together, otherwise, the opponent will take all your loot in the collectors very easily.
That’s it for the Base Analysis
on a side note, if you can afford have to have some troops in your clan then please get them, this base layout + some troops in the clan castle for defense will do wonders for you, now, I’ve left a copy link for this base in the description and first pinned comment, so that you guys can copy it easily without having to build the base manually, that’s it for this video I’ll see you guys in the next one.
Using clan castle troops for defending your base is highly recommended as they can put the attacker in trouble by distracting them. Even though the base alone is sufficient to stop most of the attacks used by Town Hall 6 attackers, using the clan castle can help a lot. At Town Hall 6 you can get Maximum of 20 housing space in your clan castle, here are some of my recommendations for CC troops combinations for the defense at Town Hall 6 :-
- 1 Witch + 2 Wizards (Recommended)
- 1 Baby Dragon + 2 Wizards + 2 Archers
- 2 Valkyries + 1 Wizard
- 1 Dragon
- Centered and well-protected Town hall
- Well protected Wizard Towers and Mortars
- Air Defenses in the center of the base
- Storages are well protected
- Nicely Placed Air Sweeper
- Perfect traps placement
- Beast Against Ground & Air Attacks
If you want to copy this base just click on the Copy Base Button, it will redirect you, from where you can easily copy this base design.
Copy Base
How to copy it in coc with the link
Bro the copy link is given above…
This is needed for the broken heart