THE ULTIMATE BH6 TROPHY [defense] Base 2021 Builder Hall 6 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC

If you’re looking for THE ULTIMATE BH6 TROPHY [defense] Base 2021 Builder Hall 6 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC then you have come to the right place. This base is one of the best and most popular bases for coc Builder Hall 6 available on YouTube with over 150k+ views on YouTube. This Builder Hall 6 coc base layout can be used for Trophy pushing. To know more about this BH6 best coc base, continue reading this post.

hey guys, dark here, today I have this really good builder hall 6 base for you, I’m pretty sure, this base paired up with good attacking skills will do wonders. I will be talking more about this base in-depth in the base analysis, which will help you in understanding the ins and outs of the base, and also clear your doubts regarding this base,
Let’s do the base analysis
as you can see the builder hall is well protected in the center of the base guarded by all our defenses, this is the basic feature of every builder hall base I make because we don’t want opponents to steal our 2nd star that easily.

We have created an opening at the bottom, so that we can take control of opponent’s troops pathing, because of that opening, this archer tower becomes the easiest defense opponents defense attacking troops can get to, which means even if opponents drop their giants next those double cannons to take them out, the giants will go for the opening, by doing that we have restricted opponents attacking options, so if the opponent wants to attack from the southern side of the base, they will have to go through that opening, and in the opening we have placed all sorts of traps that reduce opponent’s army count like mega mines, spring traps, push traps etc.

we have kind of divided this base in two parts, with this wall segment in the middle, if opponent attacks from the southern region, they will have to deal with all our main defenses like crushers, multi mortar, roaster, fire crackers etc before they can finally reach our builder hall for the second star, that will be quite a task. if the opponent starts their attack from the north region, they might be able to take one star from the builder hall but that’s about it, it will be really hard to get that 2nd star, as all our main defenses in the core of the base will dealing lethal damage to those enemy troops, so they won’t stand for too long.
now move forward,
the main defense at builder hall 6 is multi mortar and crusher.

multi mortar is placed in the center of the base and its range pretty much covers the whole base, it fires four mortar shells at a time just because of that it can nearly vanish most of the low hp troops like barbarians, archer, cannon cart, night witches etc,
our other main defenses are crusher, they are also placed in the center of the base but away from one another, we’ve placed our guard post near the crusher so that guard posts’ troops attract and distract the enemys’ troops or battle machine and our crusher do their job of demolishing them, this mega mine is placed over here because if any troops survive from the crushers’ damage than this mega mine can finish them off.

cannons and double cannons are placed right where they are needed in the base and they cover almost the whole base, these cannons are placed in different compartments with two tiles gap between the wall and the cannon, to prevent them from being sniped by archers or minions easily

archer towers are placed in well-protected spots from where their range covers the whole base, so no side is left weak to any kinds of attacks. firecrackers combined with archer towers can stop almost all types of air attack.
We have placed our air bomb at the upper part of the base to protect our builder hall from night witch spam attacks
now look at the traps’ placement,

if you haven’t noticed, the push traps are facing towards the outside of the base, that is done to reduce the load on our defenses by pushing some of the troops outside, as to give our defenses enough time to deal with opponents troops before they overpower our defenses
these two mines set to the air mode to protect this side from air attack and the rest of the mines are grounded so they protect our base from ground attacking troops
spring traps are also placed right where they are needed and in the spots where most troops are likely to walk through, this helps in reducing the troops count by eliminating some of the troops from the battle, ultimately leading to a better defense
coming to the outer buildings, they are smartly placed at a distance from one another to ruin opponents funnel, and you can see how we’ve placed high hitpoint buildings like laboratory, clocktower and storages in front of our main defenses, so the opponents will have to put extra effort before they can reach our defenses.

that’s pretty much in the base analysis,
now you guys can see replays to see how this base actually works, I’ve left a copy link for this base in the card in the right corner of the video, and in the description and the first pinned comment, you can copy this base through any of those links, unless you want to copy it manually, that’s pretty much it for this video, I’ll see you guys in the next one.
If you want to copy this base just click on the Copy Base Button, it will redirect you, from where you can easily copy this base design.
- Builder hall well protected in the center
- ppening that will leave enemies in eternal confusion
- Crushers in the core to protect against mass barbs
- Fire Crackers and Air bomb covers the whole base.
- Perfect trap placements according to the openings we have created
- Defensive placements are evenly done.
- Beast Against both Ground & Air Attacks
- Crushers alongwith Muti Mortar and Mega mine makes a deadly combo.
If you want to copy this base just click on the Copy Base Button, it will redirect you, from where you can easily copy this base design.
Copy Base
Very nice