THE BEST BH9 TROPHY [defense] Base 2021 Builder Hall 9 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC

If you’re looking for the NEW BEST BH9 TROPHY [defense] Base 2021 Builder Hall 9 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC in Clash of Clans, then you have come to the right place. This base is one of the best and most popular bases for coc Builder Hall 8 available on YouTube. This Builder Hall 8 coc base layout can be used for Trophy pushing. To know more about this BH8 best coc base, continue reading this post.
Hey guys, dark barbarian here, today I have this epic builder hall 9 base for you guys, hopefully, you guys will like it, this base helped me in easily crossing 4500 trophy mark, I’m sure it’ll help you too just make sure your attacking skills are good enough to get 1 star + against opponent’s layouts. I’ve tried this base in so many battles, and it usually got less than 1 star, I’m going to do an in-depth breakdown of this base in the base analysis part, so you can understand how this base actually works, but that I would like to tell you about this app I’ve been working on for almost an year now, its called clash mentor, it’s the ultimate clash of clan guide app, where you can create your profile, upload bases, you can download the bases other users have uploaded, there is an attack strategies tab in the app which contains best attack strategies for all the townhalls and builder halls that you can read to improve your attacking skills, then there is clash pedia that which has all the knowledge of clash world for each and every troop, defense, event anything you want. if the bases you upload are liked by other users than you get points which will push you up in the leaderboard where you can compete with other top base builders, if you any doubts about anything you can use the contact support feature in the app to contact me, I hope you guys try the app, I’ll see you guys after the speedbuild.

Let’s do the Base Analysis!
the first thing, that you’ll notice is that the builder hall is kept in the center surrounded by all our defenses, it is placed that way to prevent opponents from getting 2 stars on our base.

Now let’s move forward, the main feature of the base is this pathway, at the first glance it may look like a flaw of this base that opponents troops can easily go towards our builder hall as there are no walls in between but what we have actually created is a trap, as we want opponents troops to go through this pathway while ignoring all the defenses in the compartments next to them, so that at one point, opponents troops will be targeted by our defenses from all the sides, then we have smartly placed some traps on their way to this path, so we can eliminate most of the army count already, we have also placed some high hitpoints buildings here on this pathway strategically, so that they can distract, hold back and waste opponents time, while our major defenses like giga tesla and giant cannon will be dealing huge damage to those troops. All this accounts to opponents losing pretty much all their army before they can even reach the builder hall.

Both the crushers are placed at a distance to avoid them being taken out at once altogether, placing at a distance isn’t enough, if we place them at distance but on the same side, the opponent can easily avoid the crushers by simply attacking from the opposite side, that’s why in our base they’re also placed at two different sides which means opponents will have to face them no matter where they start their attack from. if you’re making a big open base, like this one, it is much better to place the crusher in the core of the base rather than placing it in a secluded corner, when you place the crusher in a corner, the opponent can start the attack from the opposite site and takeout a huge portion from that side without ever having to worry about crusher, but when we place the crusher in the core, the opponents will eventually have to face the crusher no matter what side they start attacking from.

archer towers are placed in such a way they cover pretty much the whole base and pairing them with those firecrackers that also covers the whole base, make this base an absolute beast against air attacks, I’ll add some air attacking replays, in the end, to show you this base absolutely destroys air attacks.
cannons and double cannons are placed in a way that their range covers a huge portion of the base and they help in making the upper part of the base stronger.

Firecrackers are the main defense against air attacking troops and they are evenly distributed throughout the whole base and pretty much cover most of the base. Roaster and air bomb combine with them make it much stronger against air attacks because air bomb and roaster are the biggest threat to opponents night witch’s bats.

lava launcher is placed in the center of the base and its range covers pretty much most of the base except first 10 tiles of its radius.

mega tesla and giant cannon placed in the core of the base and the range of these are covers the core of this base, so they help in taking care of builder hall and other defenses

now coming to the traps placement, I’ve placed these traps after observing opponents’ troops pathing on this base against multiple strategies, so opponent’s troops are most likely to trigger them while attacking our base. these spring traps are placed here for talking out some troops who use this path to reach in the core. all mines are set to the air mode to prevent against air attack from all the sides. mega mines are placed in spots where most people are highly likely to start their attack from, these mega mines do lethal damage to the enemy troops.

coming to the outer buildings, they are smartly placed at a distance from one another to ruin opponents funnel, and you can see how we’ve placed high hitpoint buildings like laboratory, clocktower and storages in front of our main defenses, so the opponents will have to put extra effort to reach our defenses.

That’s it for the Base Analysis
Now you guys can easily copy this as I’ve left a copy link for this base down below unless you want to copy it manually, that’s pretty much it for this post, I’ll see you guys in the next one.
- BuilderHall in well-protected in the center of the base
- Traped pathing base
- Multi Mortar and Air Bomb placed well protected close to each other
- Spring traps placed next to defenses
- Archer towers and fire crackers covers the whole base against air attacks
- Crushers placed at a distance from one another.
- Traps placements optimally done.
- Fire crackers covers the whole base.
- Mega mine covers the core of the base.
Now you guys can easily copy this as I’ve left a copy link for this base down below unless you want to copy it manually, that’s pretty much it for this post, I’ll see you guys in the next one.
- BuilderHall in well-protected in the center of the base
- Closed well protected compact base
- Multi Mortar and Air Bomb placed well protected close to each other
- Spring traps placed next to defenses
- Archer towers and fire crackers covers the whole base against air attacks
- Crushers placed at a distance from one another.
- Traps placements optimally done.
- Fire crackers covers the whole base.
Love the base design can you make more bh9 base
Can you also make the base for the TH9 Trophy base