NEW BEST BH6 TROPHY [defense] Base 2021 Builder Hall 6 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC

If you’re looking for the ULTIMATE BH6 TROPHY [defense] Base 2021 Builder Hall 6 Trophy Base Design with Copy Link – COC then you have come to the right place. This base is one of the best and most popular bases for coc Builder Hall 6 available on YouTube with over 150k+ views on YouTube. This Builder Hall 6 coc base layout can be used for Trophy pushing. To know more about this BH6 best coc base, continue reading this post.
what’s up guys, dark here, today we are making a new builder hall 6 base, I used this base in the multiplayer battles and easily crossed over 2500 trophies mark, I’m sure it’ll help you too just make sure your attacking skills are good enough to get 1 star + against opponent’s layouts. I’ve tried this base in so many battles, and it usually got less than 1 starred, to know more about how this base works, make sure you watch the base analysis part of the video after the speed build, there I do a detailed breakdown of the base, you can understand why I’ve placed certain buildings on certain spots. so I’ll see you guys after the speed build.

let’s do the base analysis.
as you can see the builder hall is well protected in the center of the base guarded by all our defenses, this is the basic feature of every builder hall base I make because we don’t want opponents to steal our 2nd star that easily.
crushers are placed in the core of the base, at a distance from one another, so both of them don’t get taken out altogether and opponents will have to face them no matter where they start their attack from.

multi mortar is placed in the core next to air bombs, because opponents at builder hall 6 usually try to take out air bombs as soon as possible using night witches, because air bomb is the biggest threat to her bats, so opponents will drop their night witches from this side, that is why I’ve placed the multi mortar next to air bombs because multi mortar will take out opponents witches in no time.
the roaster is also placed close to multi mortar and air bombs to ease out the load on our air bombs against overpowered night witch attacks from the southern region of the base.

since we’ve placed both our air bomb and roaster in the lower part of the base, we’ve placed both of our firecrackers in the upper part, so that, upper region isn’t left weaker to air attacks.
archer towers are placed in these three well-protected compartments, from where their range covers pretty much the whole base except some small part in the south, which you don’t have to worry it since it is covered by our other defenses like roaster and air bomb, so overall this base is pretty effective against popular air attacks like mass minions and mass night witch.

one of the double cannon is placed inside the core to strengthen the core of the base, and the other one is placed in this compartment to stop ground armies that attack from the southern region of the base.

now coming to cannons, they are placed outside the base because of the wall structure we’ve made on this base, but placing these cannons outside isn’t necessarily bad, it has actually helped me in winning defenses by ruining attackers funnel as opponents giants will go after it as its the closest defense they can get to, so you can see how the opponent was trying to attack from the southern region now has to proceed with the attack from the east, this kinda ruins attackers plan as troops aren’t going where opponents want them to go, so don’t think of these cannons being placed outside as a bad thing.
The guard post is placed close to the crusher, so that troops from the guard post can distract the opponent’s battle machine while it’s being targeted by our crusher.

now coming to traps placement, we’ve placed most of our traps in these openings that we’ve created, so opponents troops like giants will have to walk through these traps before they can reach defenses in the core,
two of the push traps push some of the opponent’s troops to the crushers, while the other two pushes troops away from the base, so all opponent’s troops don’t overpower our defenses at once and our defenses get some additional time to react.
the placement of these mega mines are crucial as placing them on optimal spots can literally win you so many matches, I’ve placed those mega mines outside the base next to our cannons, because most troops like cannon carts, archers, and night witches tend to go move around the outer peripheral of the base while taking out our outer trash buildings, so we’ve used this opportunity to take them all of them out using a mega-mine, and this worked wonderfully well, a lot of attacks ended up being less than 40% because a major portion of opponents army got destroyed by mega mines, so that placement of mega-mine is a really good feature of the base.

now coming to our outer buildings, I’ve placed them sensibly, like I’ve placed high hitpoint buildings in front of our defenses, so opponent’s troops get stuck there while our defenses deal heavy damage to them.
that’s for the base analysis
- Builder hall well protected in the center
- Maze like structure that confuses opponents.
- Crushers in the core at a distance from each other
- Fire Crackers and Air bomb covers the whole base.
- ideal traps placement according to troops pathing
- Defensive placements are evenly done.
- Beast Against both Ground & Air Attacks
If you want to copy this base just click on the Copy Base Button, it will redirect you, from where you can easily copy this base design.
Copy Base
nice bro
nice base