ULTIMATE BH6 ANTI GIANT TROPHY[defense] Base 2020 Builder Hall 6 Trophy Base Design – Clash of Clans

Builder Hall 6 (BH6) Trophy Base layout coc
If you’re looking for the ULTIMATE BH6 ANTI GIANT TROPHY[defense] Base 2020 Builder Hall 6 Trophy Base Design – Clash of Clans, then you have come to the right place. This base is one of the best and most popular bases for coc Builder Hall 6 available on YouTube with over 150k+ views on YouTube. This Builder Hall 6 coc base layout can be used for Trophy pushing. To know more about this BH6 best coc base, continue reading this post.
Hey guys, i’m your boy dark barbarian, and today we are making a new builder hall 6 base, I’ve only done one builder hall 6 base on this channel and that was like one and a half year ago, that base got really popular and i think its one of the most popular bases at Builder hall 6 ever, i’m sure you must have run into some one using it, but its been a while since that base was uploaded and you guys needed a new updated one, so i made this for you, I’ll be making builder hall 4,7,8 and 9 as well don’t worry about that, coming back to this base, i was able to get to around 2500 trophies easily and i’m pretty sure you can go further than that,

if you’re good at attacking then pairing up with this base will do wonders, because no one has been able to three star it yet, its mostly 1 stars and sometimes 2 star, which is not that bad, if you’re good at attacking you can easily compensate on that. This base has many features which makes it so good, I’ll talk more about them in the base analysis part of the video, so don’t forget to watch, see you guys after the speed build.
Let’s do the base analysis!
First of all, the builder hall is kept well protected in the core of the base, guarded by our most powerful defenses like multi mortar, crushers, and air bomb to prevent opponents from getting that 2nd star.

the main idea of this base is that, when opponents troops enter the core of the base through these spots, the defenses in these four compartments stay protected because opponents troops like to ignore those defenses because they are protected with a set of walls, which means its harder for them to destroy those defenses, in this case, when opponents troops are in the core, all the defenses in those 4 compartments are targeting them and doing lethal damage to them.

archer towers are placed in such a way they cover pretty much the whole base and pairing them with those firecrackers that also covers the whole base, make this base an absolute beast against air attacks, I’ll add some air attacking replays, in the end, to show you this base absolutely destroys air attacks.
both the crushers are placed in the core of the base, away from one another to keep the base protected from ground attacks from both sides.

multi mortar is a major threat to night witches, while air bomb is a major threat to her bats, so when both these buildings are placed together, opponent tries to take them out as soon as possible so the rest of the base is cleared easily, to avoid opponents from taking out both of them together, we have placed them away from each other, so that if opponents try to take out air bomb as soon as possible using its bats, then multi mortar can do its job by destroying night witches, and if opponent tries to attack from this side to take out our multi mortar, then the air bomb can protect our multi mortar from the her bats.
the roaster also provides additional protection to the multi mortar by protecting it from cannon carts and rage barbarians.

the guard post is placed close to the crusher, so that troops from the guard post can distract the opponent’s battle machine while it’s being targeted by our crusher.
now coming to the traps placement, I’ve placed these traps after observing opponents troops pathing on this base against multiple strategies, so opponent’s troops are most likely to trigger them while attacking our base.
I think, that’s pretty much it for the base analysis

let’s head to replays
I hope you guys find this base useful, and don’t forget to let me know in the comment if you’d like more builder hall bases like this or not, actually i do know that you guys want more, but still just comment anything for engagement, I’ve left a copy link for this base in the description and the first pinned comment, see you guys in the next one.

This base defends really well against attacks like night witch spam, baby dragons, cannon carts etc. Since the Firecrackers in the base are placed in the center of the base, they are well protected to protect against air attacks like Witch spam and other air attacks. The traps are placed in the right spots as well which counters ground attacks like Barb rush etc. It can also defend against some newly upgraded Builder hall 7 attackers with ease. So, overall in this base layout all the defensive buildings are well placed, hence, this base can easily defend against any Air attacking and Ground Attacking strategy.
- Centered and well-protected Builder hall
- Well protected Crushers
- Fire Crackers are well protected
- Perfect traps placement
- Defensive buildings are evenly placed
- Beast Against Ground & Air Attacks
If you want to copy this base just click on the Copy Base Button, it will redirect you, from where you can easily copy this base design.
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Nice have i like this base